Addie a fait un diaporama des différents kits déjà prêts pour le blog train Education Station.
Mais certains ne sont pas encore terminés, voire même commencés. Rendez-vous pris pour le 1er septembre.
Addie created a slide show of the first fabulous contributions for the blog train. You can see it here.
And here are all the previews for this fantastic Education Station Blog Train.

1 commentaire:
Hello there! I'm having a look around all the SAS-y lady contestants blogs to check out my competition!
I may not be able to understand what you write very well, but I took a look at your design work, and I like it a LOT!
Feel free to check out my blog, too - I added your blog to my special SAS-y blogroll, I hope that is OK with you :-)
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